ckad self study


Broad Skills offers a wide range of open source technology consulting services


CKAD Self-Study Course

These four self-study modules contain all of the topics outlined in the CNCF CKAD Exam Curriculum. If you are not already familiar with the curriculum, take a moment to familiarize yourself as you will be required to demonstrate knowledge of each topic in order to pass the exam.

ckad self-study modules

Module 1

  • Basic Pods
  • SecurityContext
  • Container Resource Requests and Limits
  • ConfigMaps
  • Secrets
  • Mounting ConfigMaps/Secrets as volumes or environment variables
  • Service Accounts
  • Practice Drill

module 2

  • Liveness Probes and Readiness Probes
  • Container Logging
  • Monitoring Applications
  • Debugging
  • Practice Drill


Module 3

  • Deployments and Rolling Updates
  • Deployments and Rollbacks
  • Jobs and CronJobs
  • Labels, Selectors and Annotations
  • Persistent Volume Claims
  • Practice Drill

module 4

  • Services
  • Network policies
  • Practice Drill


Market neutral

We bring a market neutral perspective to every engagement, taking no stake in any of the competing cloud native platforms, components or solutions so we can offer unbiased insights to our clients


We have a team of prominent open source contributors with large-scale software engineering experience, actively contributing to the evolution of next-gen software architectures, application management, and platforms

solution focused

We have the unique ability to deliver purpose-built, solution-based training in the form of custom curriculum that aligns with each of our client's specific desired outcomes so your team has the skills needed to accelerate your businesss







 Promotion Rate


  • How We Are Responding to Covid-19

    In these trying times, Broad Skills remains fully operational. We are committed to the success of our clients and keeping the global economy moving. All of our courses and consulting services are available virtually and we stand ready to support the needs of our clients globally through distance learning and video conferencing.

    We will be bolstering our open enrollment calendar of courses to meet customer demand, however, for the health and safety of our clients and staff, existing open enrollment engagements will be moved to virtual delivery until conditions make in-person offerings suitable again.

We are experts in technology – providing a comprehensive suite of training services that

not only challenge your mind but also give you job required skills that put you in pole position to contribute largely success and growth of your organisation.

Stephen Brown

Instructor, BroadSkills

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