CKAd Self-Study

Module 2

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CKAD Self-Study Mod 2

In this module of the Broad Skills online CKAD prep course, we will be covering the core concepts and configuration topics identified by the CNCF CKAD Exam Curriculum. If you are not already familiar with the curriculum, take a moment to familiarize yourself as you will be required to demonstrate knowledge of each topic in order to pass the exam.

ckaD self study modules

Multi-Container Pods

A pod may run one or more containers. Multi-container pods are tightly coupled in that the containers are co-located, co-scheduled and the containers share the same network , uts , and ipc namespaces. There are three patterns of multi-container pods:


Sidecar - sidecar containers extend and enhance the “main” container in the pod. The diagram below shows a web server container that saves its logs to a shared filesystem. The log saving sidecar container sends the webserver’s logs to a log aggregator.

Ambassador - ambassador containers proxy a pod’s local connection to the outside world. The diagram shows a three-node Redis cluster (1, 2, 3). The ambassador container is a proxy that sends the appropriate reads and writes from the main application container to the Redis cluster. The main application container is configured to connect to a local Redis server since the two containers share the same uts namespace.

Adapter - adapter containers standardize and normalize output for remote monitoring systems that require standard data formats. The diagram below shows a monitoring adapter container running an agent that reads the main application’s data, processes it, then exports the normalized data to monitoring systems elsewhere in the network.

A multi-container pod is created by specifying one or more additional container entries in a pod manifest. Shown below is an example of a multi-container pod with an nginx main container and an fluent-bit container sidecar in yaml. The nginx container writes its logs to a file at /tmp/nginx/ , which is shared between all containers in the pod. The Fluent-Bit container reads the file from the shared directory and outputs it to its own standard output.


apiVersion: v1

kind: Pod


  name: sidecar



  - name: nginx

  image: nginx:latest


  - name: shared-vol

  mountPath: /tmp/nginx/


  - /bin/sh

  - -c

  - nginx -g 'daemon off;' > /tmp/nginx/nginx.log

  - name: adapter

  image: fluent/fluent-bit


  - /fluent-bit/bin/fluent-bit

  - -i

  - tail

  - -p

  - path=/nginx/nginx.log

  - -o

  - stdout


  - name: shared-vol

  mountPath: /nginx


  - name: shared-vol

  emptyDir: {}

  restartPolicy: OnFailure

Liveness Probes and Readiness Probes

A liveness probe is a health check that tells a kubelet when to restart a container. Liveness probes help catch locks where an application seems to be running but can not proceed. Implementing a liveness probe in a deployment is a start to making a self-healing application.

An application may not immediately be ready to accept traffic when its container first starts; a readiness probe informs Kubernetes when it is okay to start sending traffic to a container after it boots. For example, a container of a java application might take minutes to load and may not be ready to accept traffic until it’s fully running. In this scenario, the readiness probe mitigates long loading times.

There are three options for liveness and readiness probes:

  • exec - takes a command, an exit code of 0 is success
  • httpGet - performs an http get, a 200-399 status is good
  • tcpSocket - a successful connection to a specified port is success

Liveness and readiness probes are similarly configured for each container in a pod. For example the following pod manifest has an nginx . container with a liveness probe that runs an http get to the root path to port 80. If the nginx web server replies with a 200 - 399 code then the pod is alive. The liveness probe waits 10 seconds before the first check and periodically checks every 20 seconds. account::

apiVersion: v1

kind: Pod


  name: ready-pod


  app: ready-pod



  - name: nginx

  image: nginx:latest



  path: /

  port: 80

  initialDelaySeconds: 10

  periodSeconds: 20

Container Logging

Kubernetes retrieves container logs from a container’s standard output and standard error streams. The applications running in the container must output their logs to a place read by the container logging engine (commonly STDOUT).

You can retrieve container logs with the kubectl logs pod_name command. If the pod is a multi-container pod then the container must be specified with the -c option with the container name kubectl logs pod_name -c container_name

In this example, we create a pod called logging-pod that outputs the system date and time every second.

$ kubectl run logging-pod --generator=run-pod/v1 --image=busybox:latest \

--command -- /bin/sh -c 'while true; do date; sleep 1; done'

pod/logging-pod created


Then the container logs are retrieved with kubectl logs

$ kubectl logs logging-pod

Mon Feb 24 23:25:16 UTC 2020

Mon Feb 24 23:25:17 UTC 2020

Mon Feb 24 23:25:18 UTC 2020

Mon Feb 24 23:25:19 UTC 2020

Mon Feb 24 23:25:20 UTC 2020


Here are other useful container logging options:

  • --previous - retrieves container logs from the previous instantiation of a container, this is helpful for containers that are crash looping
  • -f - streams container logs
  • --since - prints logs since a specific time period e.g. --since 15m
  • --timestamps - includes timestamps

Monitoring Applications

For the CKAD exam, the scope of monitoring applications is only within the scope of Kubernetes (including the Kubernetes metrics server). Key metrics to monitor are resources such as CPU and memory along with deployments and their running pods. Labels filter for a specific application or domain during monitoring.

The Kubernetes metrics server is not installed with the Kubernetes installation using kubeadm. Install the Kubernetes metrics-server and learn more about the metrics-server here.

With the metrics server installed you can view the resources used reported by the kubelets on each pod with kubectl top pods :

$ kubectl top pods -n kube-system

NAME CPU(cores) MEMORY(bytes)

coredns-6955765f44-dwv9q 2m 8Mi

coredns-6955765f44-kjlc7 2m 8Mi

etcd-ubuntu 11m 71Mi

kube-apiserver-ubuntu 27m 225Mi

kube-controller-manager-ubuntu 8m 36Mi

kube-proxy-zhhs8 1m 14Mi

kube-scheduler-ubuntu 2m 15Mi

metrics-server-64cfb5b5d8-cxq7d 1m 10Mi

weave-net-fv9mb 1m 45Mi


Debugging running applications in Kubernetes starts by retrieving simple status information about the pods.

Here are a few places to start looking:

  • Pod status - is the pod running, pending, or crash looping?
  • Pod restart count - does the pod have many recent restarts?
  • Pod resources - is the pod requesting more resources available in its namespace or on its node?
  • Pod details are retrieved by introspecting the pod with kubectl describe pod pod_name .

Take a look at how common pod issues are debugged using the pod’s description.


Here are key segments in a description of a pending pod:

$ kubectl describe pod busybox

Name: busybox

Namespace: default


Status: Pending






  Container ID:

  Image: busyBOX



  Type Status

  Initialized True

  Ready False

  ContainersReady False

  PodScheduled True



  Type Reason Age From Message

  ---- ------ ---- ---- -------

  Normal Scheduled 10s default-scheduler Successfully assigned default/busybox to ubuntu

  Warning InspectFailed 9s (x2 over 9s) kubelet, ubuntu Failed to apply default image tag "busyBOX": couldn't parse image reference "busyBOX": invalid reference format: repository name must be lowercase

  Warning Failed 9s (x2 over 9s) kubelet, ubuntu Error: InvalidImageName


The Events section of the description points out the image name is invalid. Correcting the image name will resolve this issue.

Here’s another pending pod:

$ kubectl get pods


nginx 0/1 Pending 0 2m15s


This nginx pod has been pending for over 2 minutes.

Let’s look at the pod’s Events .

$ kubectl describe pod nginx | grep -A4 Events


  Type Reason Age From Message

  ---- ------ ---- ---- -------

  Warning FailedScheduling 76s (x4 over 3m54s) default-scheduler 0/1 nodes are available: 1 Insufficient cpu.


Not enough resources are available in the cluster. We can see if the pod is making a hard resource request by looking at the Containers section of the pod description.

$ kubectl describe pod nginx | grep -A10 Containers



  Image: nginx


  Host Port:


  cpu: 2

  memory: 2Gi


  cpu: 1500m

  memory: 1536Mi


The pod is requesting 1500m of cpu. There are no nodes in the cluster with 1500m free of cpu so the pod stays pending. There are a few ways to resolve this issue: reduce the container’s cpu request, free up cpu on a cluster node, or add a new worker node to the cluster.

Practice Drill

Create a multi-container pod named ckad-sidecar that has the following:

  • Main container is named nginx and runs the nginx image
  • Sidecar container is named busybox and runs the busybox image
  • From the busybox container execute the command from shell:
  • wget -qO - http://ckad-sidecar | awk NR==4 && tail -f /dev/null
  • The pod restarts only on failure
  • Then obtain the container logs from the busybox container.
  • Practice Drill: Answer

    $ kubectl run ckad-sidecar --restart=Never --image=busybox:latest -o yaml --dry-run > ckad-sidecar.yaml \

    --command -- /bin/sh -c "sleep 15 && wget -qO - http://ckad-sidecar | awk NR==4 && tail -f /dev/null"


    Edit ckad-sidecar.yaml, rename the busybox container appropriately, and add a nginx container:

    $ nano ckad-sidecar.yaml && cat ckad-sidecar.yaml

    apiVersion: v1

    kind: Pod


      name: ckad-sidecar



      - name: nginx

        image: nginx:latest

      - name: busybox

        image: busybox:latest


        - /bin/sh

        - -c

        - "wget -qO - http://ckad-sidecar | awk NR==4 && tail -f /dev/null"

      restartPolicy: OnFailure

    $ kubectl apply -f ckad-sidecar.yaml

    pod/ckad-sidecar created

    $ kubectl logs ckad-sidecar -c busybox

    <title>Welcome to nginx!</title>








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  • How We Are Responding to Covid-19

    In these trying times, Broad Skills remains fully operational. We are committed to the success of our clients and keeping the global economy moving. All of our courses and consulting services are available virtually and we stand ready to support the needs of our clients globally through distance learning and video conferencing.

    We will be bolstering our open enrollment calendar of courses to meet customer demand, however, for the health and safety of our clients and staff, existing open enrollment engagements will be moved to virtual delivery until conditions make in-person offerings suitable again.

We are experts in technology – providing a comprehensive suite of training services that

not only challenge your mind but also give you job required skills that put you in pole position to contribute largely success and growth of your organisation.

Stephen Brown

Instructor, BroadSkills

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