Next Session: April 1, 2024

XR Development with Unity

10-week live online course covering the foundational skillset in augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) development using industry-standard tools, while emphasizing the opportunity to get hands-on. During the course, you will build real-world projects, along with your own idea.

This course will prepare you to earn a Unity Associate Programmer certificate.


  • Unity Version 2020 LTS (Free Download)
  • A laptop or computer (Mac or PC)
  • No headset required

  • Introduction To Unity

    In this first section we'll go over the basics. We'll cover navigating the editor for all the beginners and throw in some helpful tips along the way for the more advanced ones. 

    Then we'll move on to manipulating objects in the scene, making them pretty with materials, saving them with prefabs, modifying them with ProBuilder, and even importing them from the asset store. No code, just the sound fundamentals of working with assets in the editor that every project needs!

  • Programming In Unity With C#

    In this section, we will be creating a simulation of a Solar System, with orbiting planets and moons around a star. We will learn how to animate these celestial bodies in code as well as create a physics-controlled rocket ship to explore our little patch of space. We'll learn how to fire laser bolts from our ship to further explore how to interact with objects using physics.

  • Introduction to AR With Vuforia

    In this section, we will learn how to create an Augmented Reality application using Vuforia. We will use multiple Image Targets to build an X-Ray simulator, where we can scan a Human Body 3D model in AR to see what's inside. Along the road, you will get familiar with the Unity UI System and components.

  • Introduction to VR In Unity

    In this section, we will create our first VR experience. We will make use of the advanced Unity physics engine to create a realistic skill-based game involving throwing various foodstuffs at moving targets. Along the way, we'll learn how to use the animation system to animate our VR hands and detect collisions to allow us to pick up our projectiles and throw them realistically at our randomly generated targets.

  • Implementing VR Locomotion

    It's time to get moving! In this section, we'll create the classic VR teleport with all the UX bells and whistles from scratch! We'll go over Layers and Layer Masks, the all-powerful Raycast, Line Renderers, and Coroutines so we can have our very own VR Locomotion system! There will be a bit of math to cover with Lerp and Dot products but we'll make sure they're understandable and become powerful tools for you!

  • Implementing VR Interactions

    In this section, we will rebuild a simplified version of the acclaimed Tilt Brush in VR. Now that you master the basics, it is time to use some advanced C# and Unity techniques to create some advanced interactions with buttons, levers, and dials. Your room is your canvas!

  • Introduction To AR Foundation

    In this section, we'll be learning how to use AR Foundation to create an AR robot that dodges enemies and navigates around your living room. Our AR robot will navigate using touch controls, and we'll be using image tracking to spawn enemies.

  • Final Project

    It is time to go wild. In this section, you will have an opportunity to work with your colleagues and instructor on an extended project. We will collaboratively design and develop an XR application from scratch. It pulls together the streams of study, knowledge, and practical skills gained in the previous sections into a single, custom, and long-form project.

Live Online Tutorials

Interactive Office Hours

Live 1:1 Sessions *

 hours of



 Learn the best tools, processes, and workflows for a foundation in XR design and development.

 meet with instructors to: ask any questions you have to help work through specific problems or expand on bigger questions about the course or the industry.

one hour of 1:1 mentorship where you will connect with a qualified expert and get hands-on building your personal project.

*Only included for Plus Package students

Course Overview

  • Industry

    Apply XR in Product Design and Modeling

  • Training and Simulation

    Simulate Real Life Training with XR

  • Gaming

    Build Futuristic Interactive AX Games


Get Industry Recognised Certification

Successful completion of the course will earn you the opportunity to prepare you to gain an Associate Level certification badge from Unity.


Course Options


Course Only

XR Development with Unity


  • 80 hours live instruction

Unity Certification Exam

£ 2,685

Plus Package

Get started in XR with the full package.

C# Scripting Fundamentals


Everything in Starter, plus...

Oculus Quest 2

10 hours 1:1 with expert

£ 3,684

Upcoming Course Sessions

April 1 - June 7th

Application Deadline - March 25th

Time Slot 1                                     Mondays & Tuesday                                   11:00am - 12:30pm BST

Time Slot 2                                     Mondays & Tuesday                                   1:30 pm - 3:00 pm  BST

Time Slot 3                                     Mondays & Tuesday                                   4:30pm - 6:00 pm BST

 JOB growth in 2020


Unity skills salary


 Demand growth


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