CKAd Self-Study

Module 1

Broad Skills offers a wide range of open source technology consulting services


CKAD Self-Study Mod 1

In this module of the Broad Skills online CKAD prep course, we will be covering the core concepts and configuration topics identified by the CNCF CKAD Exam Curriculum. If you are not already familiar with the curriculum, take a moment to familiarize yourself as you will be required to demonstrate knowledge of each topic in order to pass the exam.

ckaD self study modules

Basic Pods

Pods are the atomic unit of deployment in Kubernetes and are made up of one or more containers in different arrays in a PodSpec:

  • Containers (required) - long-running containers for applications, proxies, logging/monitoring sidecars, etc.
  • Init containers (optional) - bootstrapping containers that run once to bootstrap long-running app containers
  • Ephemeral containers (optional) - an alpha feature in Kubernetes, these containers can be added at runtime for ad hoc troubleshooting

A basic pod would contain a single container and could be created with yaml or imperatively:

$ kubectl run ckad-basic-pod --image=nginx:latest


This is a setting in a PodSpec that enhances security for one or all of the containers in a pod and have the following settings:

  • Discretionary Access Control: define user ID (UID) and group ID (GID) settings for processes inside container
  • Security Enhanced Linux (SELinux): invoke predefined security labels
  • Linux Capabilities: coarse-grained control of system calls to the Linux kernel in a whitelist or blacklist
  • Marking a pod with privileged = true grants all capabilities
  • AppArmor: invoke predefined program profiles to restrict the capabilities of individual programs
  • Seccomp: Fine-grained control over a process’s system calls through the use of json policies
  • AllowPrivilegeEscalation: Controls whether a process can gain more privileges than its parent

 S ecurityContext settings can be set for the pod and/or each container in the pod, for example:

apiVersion: v1

kind: Pod


  name: ckad-training-pod


  securityContext:              # pod securitycontext

    fsGroup: 2000


  - name: ckad-training-container

     image: nginx

     securityContext:            # container securitycontext


        add: ["NET_ADMIN"]

Container resource requests and limits

Resource requests and limits are set on a per-container basis within a pod. By specifying a resource request we tell the Kubernetes scheduler the _minimum_ amount of each resource (CPU and memory) a container will need. By specifying limits, we set up cgroup constraints on the node where the process runs. An example of setting requests/limits looks like:

apiVersion: v1

kind: Pod


  name: ckad-resource-pod



  - name: ckad-resource-container

  image: my-app:v3.3



  cpu: "1"

  memory: “1Gi”


  cpu: "0.5"

  memory: “500Mi”


ConfigMaps are decoupled configuration artifacts keeping containerized applications portable.

The ConfigMap API resource provides mechanisms to inject containers with configuration data while keeping containers agnostic of Kubernetes. A ConfigMap can be used to store fine-grained information like individual properties or coarse-grained information like entire config files or JSON blobs.

There are multiple ways to create a ConfigMap: from a directory upload, a file, or from literal values in command line as shown in the following example:

$ kubectl create configmap ckad-example-config --from-literal foo=bar


Secrets hold sensitive information, such as passwords, OAuth tokens, and SSH keys. Putting this information in a secret is safer and more flexible than putting it verbatim in a pod definition or a Docker image!

There are three types of secrets, explained by the --help flag:

$ kubectl create secret --help

Create a secret using specified subcommand.

Available Commands:

  docker-registry Create a secret for use with a Docker registry

  generic Create a secret from a local file, directory or literal value

  tls Create a TLS secret 

Example of creating a secret imperatively:

$ kubectl create secret generic my-secret \

--from-literal=username=ckad-user \


Mounting ConfigMaps/Secrets as volumes or environment variables

ConfigMaps and Secrets are mounted by Pods as either volumes or environment variables to be used by a container in a Pod.
ConfigMaps and Secrets can be used with a pod in two ways:

  • Files in a volume
  • Environment variables

Secrets can also be used by the kubelet when pulling images for a pod, called an
The following Pod manifest mounts the ConfigMap ckad-example-config as a volume to the
/etc/myapp directory in the container and uses a secret called “ ckad-training-docker-token ” as an imagePullSecret :

apiVersion: v1

kind: Pod


  name: pod-config



  - name: nginx

  image: nginx:latest


  - name: ckad-training-docker-token


  - name: config

  mountPath: /etc/myapp


  - name: config


  name: ckad-example-config

Practice Drill

Create a pod that runs the nginx image and uses a service account called my-sa .

  • Practice Drill: Answer

    Both the service account and the pod can be created imperatively:

    $ kubectl create serviceaccount my-sa

    serviceaccount/my-sa created

    $ kubectl run ckad-basic-pod --restart=false --image=nginx --serviceaccount=my-sa

    pod/ckad-basic-pod created







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  • How We Are Responding to Covid-19

    In these trying times, Broad Skills remains fully operational. We are committed to the success of our clients and keeping the global economy moving. All of our courses and consulting services are available virtually and we stand ready to support the needs of our clients globally through distance learning and video conferencing.

    We will be bolstering our open enrollment calendar of courses to meet customer demand, however, for the health and safety of our clients and staff, existing open enrollment engagements will be moved to virtual delivery until conditions make in-person offerings suitable again.

We are experts in technology – providing a comprehensive suite of training services that

not only challenge your mind but also give you job required skills that put you in pole position to contribute largely success and growth of your organisation.

Stephen Brown

Instructor, BroadSkills

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