Training Categories
Microsoft Technical
Microsoft End User
Find out what you are getting out of your Organisational training
Get value for your money with 12 online modules and 80 videos
Learn UX tools & methods so your team can quickly apply a user centered design approach in your organisation
Download digital copies of templates with video instructions on how to use them so your team can get up to speed faster
Build the UX and CX capabilities of your team with on-demand training for 4 to 400 people.
Business stakeholder interview guide
Contact centre/customer facing staff interview question guide
Customer/user interview questions guide
Persona master template & examples
Customer journey mapping template in PowerPoint and Visio
User requirements Excel sheet
Discoveries are crucial to setting design projects off in the right direction by focusing on the right problems and, consequently, building the right thing. During this phase, we usually collaborate with business and other stakeholders to research the landscape and gain insights about the current situation. Defining the challenge accurately is crucial to framing the right problem to solve. With a clear problem definition, we can then collect insights and align on our first steps to developing the best solution.
▪Usability test checklist
▪Test plan template
▪Task card template
▪Participant forms e.g. consent form
▪Issues logger – for recording and collating
▪Datalogger (for recording task completion rates and easily creating charts)
▪Test report templates – PPT and Word
▪Collaborative design workshop invite
▪Workshop running sheet
▪Instructions and PowerPoint slide pack
▪IA design template in Excel
All training is aligned with the ISO standard for human centred design..