Create Immersive Visuals That  Tranform Digital Experiences

Unique Digital Experiences

Stand out! Do not be conventional. Utilise  digital to create stories lines that audience can can follow in an immersed way. Engage your audience on your digital platforms with content that interacts like a person.

Become A Pro

Learn skills and tricks to make help you create engaging digital content. Develop a career in Digital Visual Storrytelling


  • Course Description

    In this lesson, we'll review the general functionality of the Visual Design tool Studio including how to import assets, apply animations, interactions, and how to publish your final experience. 

  • Outline
    • Import Design Files

    • Theme and Settings Panel

    • Create Buttons and Popups

    • Create Mobile Variants Using Adaptive Layout

    • Create Carousel


  • Course Description

    In this lesson, you'll review one of the many ways you can create an interactive map in your visual design environment

  • Outline
    • Using Object States

    • Creating a Chart

    • How to use Markup

    • Embedded Third Party Content and Forms

    • Create Interactive Charts

    • Creating an Interactive Menu Bar


  • Course Description

    In this lesson, you'll build off of the previous carousel lesson to create a more advanced experience using the Show Target and Hide Others interactions. 

  • Outline
    • Create Interactive Timelines

    • Create a Looping Video Background

    • Gating Content With Hubspot and Marketo

    • Create a Slideshow

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