CKA Self-Study

Module 5

Broad Skills offers a wide range of open source technology consulting services


CKA Self-Study Mod 5

In this module of the Broad Skills online CKA prep course we will be covering the cluster architecture, installation, and configuration topics identified by the CNCF CKA Exam Curriculum. If you are not already familiar with the curriculum, take a moment to familiarize yourself, as you will be required to know each of the topics in order to pass the test.

CKA Self-Study Mod 5

Troubleshoot Application Failure

Applications running under Kubernetes run in containers within pods. There are several ways to troubleshoot application failures:

  • Reading the application container’s logs using kubectl logs
  • Viewing events associated with the pod using kubectl events
  • Interacting with the application container directly using kubectl exec

$ kubectl logs debugapp

2020-02-28 16:05:48+00:00 [Note] [Entrypoint]: Entrypoint script for MySQL Server 1:10.4.12+maria~bionic started.

2020-02-28 16:05:49+00:00 [Note] [Entrypoint]: Switching to dedicated user 'mysql'

2020-02-28 16:05:49+00:00 [Note] [Entrypoint]: Entrypoint script for MySQL Server 1:10.4.12+maria~bionic started.

2020-02-28 16:05:49+00:00 [ERROR] [Entrypoint]: Database is uninitialized and password option is not specified



Troubleshoot Control Plane Failure

Control plane components like the kube-apiserver, kube-scheduler, etcd, and kube-controllermanager all run in static pods in a kubeadm-bootstrapped cluster. Control plane components manifests are found in the master node’s kubelet static path directory, the default is: /etc/kubernetes/manifests .

Since the control plane components in a cluster run as pods,
kubectl logs and kubectl events provide insight on any activity and possible issues these control plane components face. In clusters where control plane components run as system-level daemons, using systemctl and journalctl will provide the same approach.

$ kubectl logs -n kube-system kube-scheduler-$(hostname)

I0225 19:54:25.957861 1 serving.go:312] Generated self-signed cert in-memory

W0225 19:54:26.142234 1 configmap_cafile_content.go:102] unable to load initial CA bundle for: "client-ca::kube-system::extension-apiserver-authentication::client-ca-file" due to: configmap "extension-apiserver-authentication" not found

W0225 19:54:26.142423 1 configmap_cafile_content.go:102] unable to load initial CA bundle for: "client-ca::kube-system::extension-apiserver-authentication::requestheader-client-ca-file" due to: configmap "extension-apiserver-authentication" not found

W0225 19:54:26.157329 1 authorization.go:47] Authorization is disabled

W0225 19:54:26.157413 1 authentication.go:92] Authentication is disabled

I0225 19:54:26.157435 1 deprecated_insecure_serving.go:51] Serving healthz insecurely on [::]:10251

I0225 19:54:26.159618 1 configmap_cafile_content.go:205] Starting client-ca::kube-system::extension-apiserver-authentication::requestheader-client-ca-file

I0225 19:54:26.159658 1 shared_informer.go:197] Waiting for caches to sync for client-ca::kube-system::extension-apiserver-authentication::requestheader-client-ca-file

I0225 19:54:26.159628 1 secure_serving.go:178] Serving securely on


Troubleshoot Worker Node Failure

A node that runs pods in a Kubernetes cluster is represented by a kubelet. Each kubelet requires a container runtime (like Docker) to run containers. Since the kubelet and container runtime run as system agents, you must use host-level tools like systemctl or journalctl to view their logs.

$ sudo systemctl status kubelet

● kubelet.service - kubelet: The Kubernetes Node Agent

  Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/kubelet.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)

  Drop-In: /etc/systemd/system/kubelet.service.d


  Active: activating (auto-restart) (Result: exit-code) since Fri 2020-02-28 08:08:03 PST; 8s ago



 Main PID: 2175 (code=exited, status=255)

Feb 28 08:08:03 labsys systemd[1]: kubelet.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=255/n/a

Feb 28 08:08:03 labsys systemd[1]: kubelet.service: Unit entered failed state.

Feb 28 08:08:03 labsys systemd[1]: kubelet.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.

$ journalctl -u kubelet | tail -5

Feb 28 08:09:15 labsys kubelet[2771]: I0228 08:09:15.417176 2771 server.go:641] --cgroups-per-qos enabled, but --cgroup-root was not specified. defaulting to /

Feb 28 08:09:15 labsys kubelet[2771]: F0228 08:09:15.417372 2771 server.go:273] failed to run Kubelet: running with swap on is not supported, please disable swap! or set --fail-swap-on flag to false. /proc/swaps contained: [Filename Type Size Used Priority /dev/dm-1 partition 4194300 0 -1]

Feb 28 08:09:15 labsys systemd[1]: kubelet.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=255/n/a

Feb 28 08:09:15 labsys systemd[1]: kubelet.service: Unit entered failed state.

Feb 28 08:09:15 labsys systemd[1]: kubelet.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.


Kubelets (and thus worker nodes) require functional container runtimes to operate pods. In default installations, they also need to have system swap disabled.

Troubleshoot Networking

Every pod running in a Kubernetes cluster must have its own IP address. Pods receive their unique IPs from the cluster Container Network Interface (CNI) plugin. In order to properly use a CNI plugin, each Kubelet must be configured to expect CNI plugins in their systemd service.

Without a functional CNI, the kubelet is unable to configure the container runtime’s network and does not report a “ready” status to the cluster: 

$ sudo systemctl status kubelet

● kubelet.service - kubelet: The Kubernetes Node Agent

  Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/kubelet.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)

  Drop-In: /etc/systemd/system/kubelet.service.d


  Active: active (running) since Fri 2020-02-28 08:50:27 PST; 5min ago


 Main PID: 19302 (kubelet)

  Tasks: 16 (limit: 512)

  Memory: 45.2M

  CPU: 3.761s

  CGroup: /system.slice/kubelet.service

  └─19302 /usr/bin/kubelet --bootstrap-kubeconfig=/etc/kubernetes/bootstrap-kubelet.conf --kubeconfig=/etc/kubernetes/kubelet.conf --config=/var/lib/kubelet/config.yaml --cgroup-driver=cgroupfs

Feb 28 08:55:58 labsys kubelet[19302]: E0228 08:55:58.668145 19302 kubelet.go:2183] Container runtime network not ready: NetworkReady=false reason:NetworkPluginNotReady message:docker: network plugin i

Feb 28 08:56:02 labsys kubelet[19302]: W0228 08:56:02.452412 19302 cni.go:237] Unable to update cni config: no networks found in /etc/cni/net.d


Feb 28 08:09:15 labsys kubelet[2771]: I0228 08:09:15.417176 2771 server.go:641] --cgroups-per-qos enabled, but --cgroup-root was not specified. defaulting to /

Feb 28 08:09:15 labsys kubelet[2771]: F0228 08:09:15.417372 2771 server.go:273] failed to run Kubelet: running with swap on is not supported, please disable swap! or set --fail-swap-on flag to false. /proc/swaps contained: [Filename Type Size Used Priority /dev/dm-1 partition 4194300 0 -1]

Feb 28 08:09:15 labsys systemd[1]: kubelet.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=255/n/a

Feb 28 08:09:15 labsys systemd[1]: kubelet.service: Unit entered failed state.

Feb 28 08:09:15 labsys systemd[1]: kubelet.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.


Other symptoms of a non-functional or misconfigured CNI plugin include:

  • Pods receiving a Docker local IP
  • New pods staying in the ContainerCreating phase even if the image is pulled

Other networking failures may involve factors within the cluster’s underlying infrastructure, such as firewall rules or full network partitions preventing communication.

Practice Drill

Run the following command. This command will start a pod that will not run:

kubectl run --restart Never --image redis:0.2 redispod

Retrieve the events associated with this pod (listed in any order) and write them to a file: /tmp/troubleshooting-answer.txt

  • Practice Drill: Answer

    First, run the command:

    $ kubectl run --restart Never --image redis:0.2 redispod

    pod/redispod created


    Kubernetes reports that it successfully created the object. Now list the events in the current namespace with kubectl get events:

    $ kubectl get events | grep redispod

       Normal    Scheduled   pod/redispod   Successfully assigned default/redispod to ubuntu

    3s          Normal    Pulling     pod/redispod   Pulling image "redis:0.2"

    2s          Warning   Failed      pod/redispod   Failed to pull image "redis:0.2": rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Error response from daemon: manifest for redis:0.2 not found: manifest unknown: manifest unknown

    2s          Warning   Failed      pod/redispod   Error: ErrImagePull

    16s         Normal    BackOff     pod/redispod   Back-off pulling image "redis:0.2"

    16s         Warning   Failed      pod/redispod   Error: ImagePullBackOff


    We see that the node’s container runtime could not find an image redis:0.2. As instructed, write these events to a file:

    $ kubectl get events | grep redispod > /tmp/troubleshooting-answer.txt

    $ cat /tmp/troubleshooting-answer.txt

       Normal    Scheduled   pod/redispod   Successfully assigned default/redispod to ubuntu

    58s         Normal    Pulling     pod/redispod   Pulling image "redis:0.2"

    57s         Warning   Failed      pod/redispod   Failed to pull image "redis:0.2": rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Error response from daemon: manifest for redis:0.2 not found: manifest unknown: manifest unknown

    57s         Warning   Failed      pod/redispod   Error: ErrImagePull

    45s         Normal    BackOff     pod/redispod   Back-off pulling image "redis:0.2"

    33s         Warning   Failed      pod/redispod   Error: ImagePullBackOff







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    In these trying times, Broad Skills remains fully operational. We are committed to the success of our clients and keeping the global economy moving. All of our courses and consulting services are available virtually and we stand ready to support the needs of our clients globally through distance learning and video conferencing.

    We will be bolstering our open enrollment calendar of courses to meet customer demand, however, for the health and safety of our clients and staff, existing open enrollment engagements will be moved to virtual delivery until conditions make in-person offerings suitable again.

We are experts in technology – providing a comprehensive suite of training services that

not only challenge your mind but also give you job required skills that put you in pole position to contribute largely success and growth of your organisation.

Stephen Brown

Instructor, BroadSkills

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