CKA Self-Study

Module 1

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CKA Self-Study Mod 1

In this module of the Broad Skills online CKA prep course we will be covering the cluster architecture, installation, and configuration topics identified by the CNCF CKA Exam Curriculum. If you are not already familiar with the curriculum, take a moment to familiarize yourself, as you will be required to know each of the topics in order to pass the test.

cka self study modules

Configure Authentication and Authorization

Roles, ClusterRoles, RoleBinding and ClusterRoleBindings control user account permissions that control how they interact with resources deployed in the cluster. ClusterRoles and ClusterRoleBindings are non-namespaced resources. Roles and RoleBindings sets permissions and bind permissions in a specific namespace.

Kubernetes uses Role-based access control (RBAC) mechanisms to control the ability of users to perform a specific task on Kubernetes objects. Clusters bootstrapped with kubeadm have RBAC enabled by default.

Permissions to API resources are granted using Roles and ClusterRoles (the only difference being that clusterRoles apply to the entire cluster while regular roles apply to their namespace). Permissions are scoped to API resources and objects under the API resources. Verbs control what operations can be performed by each role.

Roles can be created imperatively using
kubectl create role . You can specify the API resources and verbs associated with the permissions the role will grant:

$ kubectl create role default-appmanager --resource pod,deploy,svc,ingresses --verb get,list,watch,create -o yaml


kind: Role


  name: default-appmanager

  namespace: default


- apiGroups:

  - ""


  - pods

  - services


  - get

  - list

  - watch

  - create

  - delete

- apiGroups:

  - apps


  - deployments


  - get

  - list

  - watch

  - create

  - delete


Roles and ClusterRoles are assigned to users and processes using RoleBindings and ClusterRoleBindings. RoleBindings associate a user, like a service account, with a Role. Any permissions granted by a Role are passed to the user through the RoleBinding.

Rolebindings can also be created imperatively using
kubectl create rolebinding . Rolebindings bind roles to users using the --user flag and serviceAccounts using the --serviceaccount flag. The following example binds the default-appmanager role to the default namespace’s default service account::

$ kubectl create rolebinding default-appmanager-rb \

--serviceaccount default:default \

--role default-appmanager created


Upgrading Kubernetes with Kubeadm

Cluster upgrades involve updating the version of the Kubernetes control plane components and the kubelets that run on every node in the cluster. In general, the API server determines the version of the Kubernetes cluster. The kubelet may be up two minor versions older than the API server. The other control plane components may be up to one minor version older than the API server. The kubectl client may be one version newer or older than the API server.

The details of the version support policy are detailed on the version skew policy page in the Kubernetes documentation.

To upgrade the control-plane node we must do the following:

  • retrieve updated Kubernetes binaries
  • install the newer version of kubadm
  • drain the control plane node
  • use kubeadm upgrade plan to check and fetch the new control plane component versions
  • apply the upgrade
  • upgrade the kubelet and kubectl
  • uncordon the control plan node

The following is an example of upgrading a Kubernetes control plane node from Kubernetes v1.18.0 to v.19.0 on Ubuntu 18.04:

Update the apt repository:

Update the apt repository:

$ sudo apt update


Install the newer kubeadm version e.g. v1.19.0:

$ sudo apt install kubeadm=1.19.0-00


Drain the control plan node

$ kubectl drain --ignore-daemonsets


Run kubeadm upgrade plan with sudo to check and fetch updated control plane components:

$ sudo kubeadm upgrade plan

Components that must be upgraded manually after you have upgraded the control plane with 'kubeadm upgrade apply':


kubelet 1 x v1.18.0 v1.19.1

Upgrade to the latest stable version:


kube-apiserver v1.18.0 v1.19.1

kube-controller-manager v1.18.0 v1.19.1

kube-scheduler v1.18.0 v1.19.1

kube-proxy v1.18.0 v1.19.1

CoreDNS 1.6.7 1.7.0

etcd 3.4.3-0 3.4.9-1

You can now apply the upgrade by executing the following command:

  kubeadm upgrade apply v1.19.1

Note: Before you can perform this upgrade, you have to update kubeadm to v1.19.1.


The table below shows the current state of component configs as understood by this version of kubeadm.

Configs that have a "yes" mark in the "MANUAL UPGRADE REQUIRED" column require manual config upgrade or

resetting to kubeadm defaults before a successful upgrade can be performed. The version to manually

upgrade to is denoted in the "PREFERRED VERSION" column.




Notice that the kubelet must be upgraded manually after upgrading the control plane.

We see that v1.19.1 is available but let’s upgrade to v1.19.0:

$ sudo kubeadm upgrade apply v1.19.0

[upgrade/successful] SUCCESS! Your cluster was upgraded to "v1.19.0". Enjoy!

[upgrade/kubelet] Now that your control plane is upgraded, please proceed with upgrading your kubelets if you haven't already done so.


Install the corresponding versions of the kubelet and kubectl:

$ sudo apt install kubelet=1.19.0-00 kubectl=1.19.0-00

Setting up kubelet (1.19.0-00) ...

Setting up kubectl (1.19.0-00) ...


Uncordon the control plan node:

$ kubectl uncordon

node/ uncordoned


Upgrading Kubernetes with Kubeadm

The state of a Kubernetes cluster is contained in the etcd instance(s) backing the cluster. Backing up a Kubernetes cluster is a matter of backing up the etcd instance(s).

One way to perform a backup is by using the etcdctl command:

$ ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl --endpoints= \

--cacert=/etc/etcd/ca.crt --cert=/etc/etcd/server.crt --key=/etc/etcd/server.key \

snapshot save /var/lib/etcd/backup.db


This command connects to an etcd cluster and saves its contents to a database file. This database file is then used to restore the entire cluster on a new set of nodes.

Practice Drill

This command connects to an etcd cluster and saves its contents to a database file. This database file is then used to restore the entire cluster on a new set of nodes.

  • Practice Drill: Answer Expand

    Start by imperatively creating the role:

    $ kubectl create role --verb get,list --resource ingresses,networkpolicy webdrillrole created


    Then create a rolebinding that binds the webdrillrolle to the networker user:

    $ kubectl create rolebinding --user networker --role webdrillrole webdrillrolebinding created



    You can confirm this by using kubectl auth can-i --as and see if the networker user can perform get or list on ingress and network policy:


    $ kubectl auth can-i get ingress --as networker


    $ kubectl auth can-i get ingress --as networker -n kube-system









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  • How We Are Responding to Covid-19

    In these trying times, Broad Skills remains fully operational. We are committed to the success of our clients and keeping the global economy moving. All of our courses and consulting services are available virtually and we stand ready to support the needs of our clients globally through distance learning and video conferencing.

    We will be bolstering our open enrollment calendar of courses to meet customer demand, however, for the health and safety of our clients and staff, existing open enrollment engagements will be moved to virtual delivery until conditions make in-person offerings suitable again.

We are experts in technology – providing a comprehensive suite of training services that

not only challenge your mind but also give you job required skills that put you in pole position to contribute largely success and growth of your organisation.

Stephen Brown

Instructor, BroadSkills

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