Training Categories
Microsoft Technical
Microsoft End User
3D Environment Artists are 3D Modelers who specialize in creating indoor and outdoor settings for films or video games.
They are responsible for background visuals with which characters and objects will interact, such as buildings, roads, flora, furniture, drapes, etc.
For films or TV shows, environments are often built digitally when it is not possible or practical to film in real life (e.g. outer space, historical recreations, fantasy lands). Actors may be recorded against a green screen and their surroundings replaced by computer-generated environments built by 3D Environment Artists.
In video games, these virtual environments have an additional layer of complexity. They must function and react according to the laws of physics and within the rules of the game universe. So characters must not be able to walk through walls, objects must react to gravity, etc (unless these are unique features of the game universe).
Role and Responsibilities
The role of the Environment Artist is to create the backgrounds, layouts and environments within a film or game. They use computer software to design and sculpt the 3D backdrop in which characters, vehicles, weapons, objects, etc operate and interact.
A Video Game Environment Artist works closely with Level Designers and Animators to design within the framework of the action of each sequence or level, and ensure all the assets required for gameplay are present. They must also consider the technical aspects of animation lag, glitches and incomplete objects when working on the resolution and complexity of the environment.
Additional responsibilities specific to video game environments:
Environment Artist Software and Tools:
The software required for 3D Character Artist:
Environmental Artists work exclusively with computer programs. They work with various reference materials such as photography, geographical and political maps, architectural drawings, botanical elements, road structure, city planning layouts, etc. Some of the 3D modeling software use in the industry:
An Environment Artist must have a keen eye for landscape, cityscapes, town planning and geography as these skills will be used to create virtual worlds within a film or game.
Game artists must also have the technical skills to understand whether a game engine can support low resolution images in distant backgrounds and the limits of high resolution images in the foreground. Employers may look for the following skills in an Environment Artist:
Specific to video games:
Average Salary:
The average salary for a clean up artist ranges between £35,068 and £69,922.