Training Categories
Microsoft Technical
Microsoft End User
3D Character Artists create 3D models of characters for films and video games. Models are often based on original concept art.
Their tasks can also include creating storyboards, scenery, as well as adding shading and texture to visuals. The Character Artists work closely with creative and technical teams to drive the visual quality of the game and to maintain a consistent character style. In the competitive gaming market players now expect high standard graphics, it is up to the character artist to deliver on the overall artistic quality of the game.
Character Artists for computer games draw up the visual elements of as briefed by the Art Director and Lead Character Artist. They create illustrations of characters, vehicles, environment, weapons, props, etc from the original concept artist’s sketches.
Character Artists in film create the 3D characters, creatures or objects that are integrated into live-action. Their work primarily takes place during the post-production process, but sketches and concept art will be developed from pre-production stages as part of the film or series’ production design.
Role and Responsibilities
Character Artists transform 2D illustrations into 3D models with a skeletal framework, functioning limbs and finished texture.
3D Character Artist Software and Tools:
The software required for 3D Character Artist:
Character Artists work exclusively with computer software:
The skills required for a 3D Character Artist include a high level of design ability and a strong understanding of the film or game production pipeline. 3D Character artists require these skills:
Average Salary:
The average salary for a clean up artist ranges between £40,042and £70,277.