Character Designer

Character Designer Job Description

A Character Designer (or Character Artist) specializes in the conceptualization of characters for films, TV shows and games, often using a brief or script for inspiration. t.

They are adept in interpreting the personality and physical traits of a character description into an expressive illustration. This is done through subtle cues of facial expression, pose, gesture, costume, posture, etc.

A good Character Designer will have a keen eye for detail in human expression and the ability to understand the story of a character. Creating memorable characters is often based on simple shapes and ideas, think of Mickey Mouse’s round ears, how iconic and instantly recognizable they are.

Part of the Character Designer’s role is to imagine the character from different perspectives, showing action, anatomy and unique expressions that define the character and bring it to life. In 3D animation these articulations of character will be used in the modeling process, in 2D animation these will be used as reference points from which to animate, and Storyboard Artists will refer to character design to express the story.

Role and Responsibilities

The role of the Character Designer is to visualize and develop the look of animated characters for films and games. They work from the script or storyline to turn descriptions into images, to give form to personality and characteristics.

Breathing life into abstract ideas is the primary focus of the Character Designer. They excel at creating images that will animate well and will resonate with players and audiences. Drawing ability is key, and personal style will factor heavily in the execution of concept art.


The responsibilities of a Character Designer can include:
  • Liaising with scriptwriters, designers and developers on the look of the character/s and what style they are to be drawn in
  • Researching the look, style and genre of the film or game
  • Developing various versions of the character looks
  • Infusing characters with personality using visual cues, unique expressions and distinctive body language
  • Create characters that are relatable and possess human traits that will engage an audience
  • Understand the character’s role in the script and draw it accordingly
  • Collaborate with directors and other concept artists to create a visual consistency with other characters and overall look of the animation or game
  • Revise artwork according to feedback and teamwork
  • Create model sheets showing characters drawn from different angles and showing different expressions
  • Problem-solving with the team regarding design issues
  • Working with Storyboard Artists on how to incorporate the concept art into scenes and sequences
  • Adhering to production schedules

Character Designer Software and Tools:

The software required for a Character Designer:

Character Designers may work with physical materials such as pencil, paper, ink, chalk, mixed media, etc to produce their primary sketches, or create completely digital art using computer software. Eventually, all artwork will be presented digitally. The software used will depend on whether the project is in 2D or 3D.

Character Designers may need knowledge of a combination of the following software:

  • Adobe Photoshop (industry standard), Illustrator
  • Blender
  • 3D Studio Max
  • Maya
  • Mudbox
  • Zbrush
  • Substance Designer
  • Quixel
  • TVPaint
  • ToonBoom Harmony
  • CelAction

Skills Required:

Character Designers must excel in taking direction, visualizing from abstract concepts and communicating their ideas. They produce the initial designs and set the tone for key imagery within a film or game.

Character Designers would require may these skills:

  • Strong drawing skills, with a specialization in character design
  • Ability to draw in a variety of styles
  • Knowledge of anatomy and zoology, costuming, physical settings and history-related references associated with character
  • Solid awareness of facial expression, pose, posture, gesture and movement
  • Visual storytelling skills
  • Solid understanding of visual language - texture, color, dimension, scale, perspective, shade, composition, depth of field, proportion, spatial awareness, etc
  • Good communication skills, ability to explain concepts and support artistic choices
  • Technical drawing skills
  • Excellent time management skills, ability to consistently meet deadlines
  • Team player, skilled at working independently
  • Knowledge of the animation and/or game development process

Average Salary:

The average wage for a Character Designer ranges from £32,732 to £60,373

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