Every organization is faced with increasing scrutiny by clients and potential customers, stockholders, governing agencies, the media, employees, and partners. Excellence in all things – from business results to reputation – is, and should be, the expected norm. The values a company and its employees demonstrate can be a foundation for success or a recipe for failure. In reality, the push for profits, power, and prominence often leads to less-than-excellent decisions and the demonstration of compromised values. Issues such as conflict of interest, theft, harassment, insider trading, fraud, and the lack of respect for people or property continue to result in negative headlines, negative financial impact, and significant costs to reputation and goodwill. Running a successful business requires managing the challenge of consistent ethical behavior on the part of all employees, at all times. This concept appears to be simple and is based on common sense, but dealing with a diverse work force and challenging business environment can lead to a breakdown or even a vacuum of ethical behavior at work. The Values for Excellence workshop provides business leaders with guidance and a clear process for creating policies, educating employees, clients, and partners on behaviors expected in the workplace, and monitoring for and dealing with lapses in ethical behavior.