Change happens. Non-stop. Every day, every project, every market. Every change – from the seemingly insignificant to the unquestionably disruptive – results in pain or challenge for somebody somewhere in an organization. Pain or challenge which, if ignored, can lead to any number of negative consequences impacting employee morale and the bottom line. Dealing with never-ending change and the subsequent fallout can stretch the resources of a team or company; leveraging a common sense plan for change management can turn pending disaster into opportunity for growth. Stability on the often turbulent seas of conducting business requires navigating unpredictable and potentially problematic areas: shifting client expectations, economic and political volatility, static or inflexible strategic plans and tactics, the introduction and acceptance of new technology, changes in demographics, the aging of the workforce, generational gaps and diversity. Navigation which will only be successful with the right tools and the right plan. The Navigating and Managing the Tides of (Constant) Change workshop provides a look at how change impacts a business and its employees, key areas of consideration for businesses, managers, and team members dealing with constant change, and a basic plan and tools for addressing ongoing change in the marketplace and in the office.