Training Categories
Microsoft Technical
Microsoft End User
Video game FX (effects) artists work in teams to create effects that enhance the sequences and actions of the animation within the game. This may include explosions, power ups, character and gameplay effects, etc. The two main areas of VFX in video games are gameplay and environmental effects.
Gameplay effects enhance the gaming experience, they include character powers, magics, explosion textures, etc. Environmental effects provide realistic visuals, they follow the laws of physics in replicating real-world phenomena and reactions, these include waterfalls, mist, rain, smoke, etc.
Role and Responsibilities
Video Game FX Artists are in charge of creating the visual effects (FX) required of a game. They usually work within the animation or motion graphics team, specializing in adding particles, animation, weather, smoke, fire, explosions, atmospherics, light/energy etc as required by the project.
Game FX Artist Software and Tools:
The software required for Game FX Artist:
Working as an FX Artist requires software skills within a variety of platforms. A basic knowledge of programming software is vital as they need to deal with game programmer teams in articulating their technical needs for each project. A good working knowledge of Microsoft Office suite is required for scheduling and maintenance of project documentation. Proficiency in Adobe Creative Suite, animation software and special effects tools.
FX Artists work in teams, usually within the post-production department. They may be required to work on a range of effects, produce 2D or 3D animation, modeling, etc. The more skills an FX Artist has the more valuable they are to a production
Employers may look for the following skills in a Game FX artist:
Average Salary:
The average salary for Game FX artist ranges between £22,549 and £77,831